Prostrate Health Tips

Prostate Health Tips

Tip 1

If you suspect that you have prostate cancer. Go to your doctor and ask for a Prostate Specific Antigen test. This is the common test used to detect the disease.

The systems of the disese are

1. A general pain in the prostate area
2. A need to urinate frequently, especially at night time
3. Difficulty in urinating, both in starting or holding back
4. Interrupted or weak flow of urine
5. The presence of blood and in urine and semen
6. Pain or burning sensation when urinating
7. Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection)
8. Uncomfortable or painful ejaculation
9. A frequent pain or stiffness in the upper thighs, hips, or lower back.

Some of the mentioned symptoms can also be related to other reproductive diseases other than prostate cancer. Ask your doctor.

Tip 2

Use Soy based products in your diet. Soy is very rich in isoflavones: go to for more information.

Although the benefit of isoflavones to treat prostate cancer is not yet fully proven, their general health benefits are undoubtedly beneficial to overall health, which is what is needed.

Using Soy does not have to cost you an arm and a leg in your weekly shopping, you can make your own. See for recipes or see for soy making machines.

Tip 3
You may very well enjoy this tip: have a single glass of red wine every evening. Drink ten cups of green tea, which is thought to contain an adequate amount of polyphenol to obstruct the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Tipp 4

Get to love the humble tomato for it contains antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of the prostate cancer developing. In the winter months when fresh tomatoes are not in season, use tomato sauce or tinned tomato; cooking does not affect the antioxidants. You can also have watermelon for desert for a double dose of Lycopene.

Tip 5

It is vital to make sure you are and remain at your ideal weight when it comes to prostate cancer. Being very overweight or obese makes it very tough to become aware of prostate cancer. There is also the fact that not being the right weight has a harmful effect on the outcome of the disease. They are many diets and ways of losing weight, I would suggest trying one of the two products the Aloe Store. Hoodia Super Slim or Aloe weight loss diet pack . Click on

Tip 6

For a neutral balanced lifestyle weight management and fitness are vital and should be part of your overall strategy to fight prostate (or any other sickness for that matter). This means being sensibly active and eat a variety of foods particularly fruits and vegetables, you are far less likely to become ill. What ever we are talking about: having a cold or getting cancer, people who exercise and eat the right food are at a great advantage. Build up your immune system and maintain it: Drink Aloe Vera to do this Click on

Tip 7

Exercising does not necessary mean standing in the middle of a room waving your arms or legs about. You can have fun doing it and have a very good social life at the same time. Join a walking club. Go out and do whatever sport takes your fancy. The main thing is get off the couch and make a start.

Tip 8

It is key that you get serious about habitual exercises. It is highly suggested that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day no less than three times a week. Certainly, you should try to go beyond this bare minimum, but start there. Have a look at the following link for help:

Tip 9

Exercises that stretch you, will persevere the flexibility of your body and limber. Exercises that will get your heart healthy like jogging, walking, and cycling will help to burn lots of calories. If you need to build up your muscles and strengthen your body, consider resistance training.

Tip 10

Modern scientific studies have shown that pollen helps the prostate function properly. The reason is that it contains many vitamins and minerals important for glandular function. Pollen also contains testosterone, which is the essential male hormone. Warning: Asthmatics should not use bee pollen. Buy your bee pollen at

Tip 11

Eat pumpkin seeds; these have been found to contain large amounts of magnesium, which the French have proven to be effective in the treatment of prostate ailments. For more information about the use of these seeds go to they also have some very good recipes

Tip 12

It is true to say that most cases of prostate cancer grow so slowly that action is rarely needed. Most of the time it is a case of “watchful waiting”. Which means the doctor will place you under surveillance and routine testing. If the cancer reaches a point in which it becomes a danger to the patient, other treatment methods will come into play. These methods consist of radiotherapy, hormone therapy, or surgery. It is not yet even known precisely why some people get prostate cancer, but a high fat high carbohydrate diet, obesity, race and family history all play a part. It is now up to you to choose if you want to reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer. If you do have treatment for a prostate cancer, your aftercare would benefit a lot towards a speedy recovery if: you keep as mobile as possible and maintain a good level of fitness.

Tip 13

If you find you need emotional support, look for local support groups. Most major cancer centres have support groups for everyone in the community. If you are fortunate enough to live near one, you should have no troubles at all finding one on hand. However, if you don’t live near a cancer centre, you may need to talk with your doctor to get an idea of where to begin. And to finish if you think you have prostate cancer: the first thing to do is to see your doctor.

About The Author
Richard Haigh is the web master for www.aloveraexpress and

Medical Disclaimer:

The author has taken every opportunity to ensure all information produced is correct and up to date at time of writing. The Food and Drug Administration have evaluated no documentation on article, and no documentation in this article should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any information given in this article is to be used for educational and information purposes only. It should never be substituted for the medical advice from your own doctor or other health care professionals

Please, always consult your doctor or health care specialist if you are in any way concerned about your physical well-being.


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