Prevent Prostate Cancer with Prostate PSA Test

One of the most widespread types of cancer that influences males is prostate cancer. In the United States , actually , there is one case for each 6 men. The cancer grows gradually and is usually concentrated on the prostate gland. There are patients who do not show any symptoms because their tumor grows too gradually while others grow so rapidly that they have to be treated immediately .

One way to detect prostate cancer is throughout the measurement of the prostate PSA level. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the protein naturally present and created by the cells in the prostate gland. Normal men have small amounts of the PSA while those with cancer have high levels of this serum.

The test is conducted through blood sampling where the PSA is measured. Prostate PSA is the most effective method to detect prostate cancer and is necessary in order to treat the cancer at the beginning phases of its development .

Nearly all of the treatments for prostate cancer will depend on the prostate PSA level. If the results of the tests reflect high prostate PSA level, the doctor will prescribe a series of blood tests and extra tests to make a verified and exact diagnosis.

Depending on the outcome of the checks recommended , the doctor will arrange any or mixture of the most common therapies for this cancer. One such way is watchful waiting, which involves nothing but meetings to monitor the enlargement of the cancer cells. Using this method, the doctor will be in watch of the prostate PSA levels of the patient. Rectal exams are required for any changes in the dimension of the organ.

Because the growth for some is in fact slow, there really is no requirement to intervene. It is just suggested that the patient maintain his appointments for permanent observation. Patients have to be alert about the indications especially where their urination is concerned. Most of the symptoms are detected through several problems with urinating.

Men aged 50 and over are recommended for prostate PSA tests to detect cancer. These older men are more at possibility of developing the cancer cells because prostate glands grow bigger as they age and they also become more apt to the cancer.

The normal prostate PSA level for men 60 years old and below is about 2.5 ng/ml. If older than 60, a man may have as high as 4.0 ng/ml because the prostate gland may have already enlarged at this time . Enlarged prostate glands create more PSA. Cells affected with cancer are able to produce up to 10 times more PSA than a regular, normal prostate gland cell. So, after the cancer cells grow, there will be higher levels of PSA that go into the bloodstream and that is why a PSA test is expected to discover prostate cancer.

There are cases when the PSA levels are high but the patient has no cancer. The reason of the rise in the prostate PSA is due to Benign Prostatic Hypertorphy (BPH) or inflammation of the prostate, which may also increase the production of PSA.

About The Author

The author is the owner of Prostate Cancer-Prostate Cancer treatment web site .

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