10 Important Steps To Beat Your Prostate Cancer by: Michael Murphy i

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United States and it is the second most common cause of cancer death in men over age 55. The incidence of prostate cancer increases dramatically with each decade after 50. Fortunately, prostate cancer tends to be slow-growing compared to many other cancers – the majority of prostate cancers either do not spread or cause any significant harm for decades.

In general, men run a 1-in-6 chance of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lives. More than 230,000 new cases are expected this year in the United States, with about 27,000 deaths.

Most men will choose conventional treatment, often surgery or radiation, but there are life-changing potential side effects they need to be aware of, and discuss with their doctors.

Surgery, called a prostatectomy for the surgical removal of the prostate gland, means impotence for about 75% of the men choosing this path, according to a September 2004 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Also, about 14% of the men were incontinent – could not control their bladder – five years after the operation.

With standard radiation therapy, the odds of impotence are about the same, 73%. The incontinence rate was much lower, just under 5%. There are new radiation therapies we discussed in the new guidebook How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer that have better outcomes.

No matter what conventional therapy a man chooses, if he does nothing else there is a 30% to 40% chance that his cancer or another cancer will recur. That’s because his immune system was not strong enough to protect him from the first cancer, and if he does nothing it will be no stronger the next time it is needed. In addition, radiation and chemotherapy depress the immune system, leaving it weaker than it was before you got treatment. Finally, any cancerous cells that survive the radiation and chemotherapy treatments, or escape the surgeon’s knife – and a few ALWAYS do – must be cleaned up by the immune system. Yet those cells that survived radiation or chemotherapy are, by definition, the strongest mutant cells. Cells that survive chemotherapy even have their own name: Multi-drug resistant. All of this means that if a man’s cancer recurs, the cure rates the second time around are much, much lower – on the order of 5% survival.

So even if a man chooses conventional treatment, the information and advice on alternative treatments in How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer is very important for his recovery and continued good health.

Here are 5 of the 10 important steps covered in a Free Report by the authors of How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer that have worked for others:

1. Pick a doctor carefully. The numbers above on impotence and incontinence are pretty scary. Top surgeons who perform hundreds of these operations tend to have better numbers, and you should ALWAYS get the statistics in advance from any doctor before you let them treat you. Remember that if you are talking to a surgeon, he probably will want to operate. If your doctor is a radiation oncologist, don’t be surprised if he pushes radiation. A clinical oncologist might counsel chemotherapy. Always consider the source. If you want to try alternative therapy first, since you really are not pressed for time, choose an alternative doctor or health care practitioner just as carefully.

2. Boost your immune system. If you’re going to undergo conventional treatment, you need to boost your immune system to deal with the impact of chemotherapy and radiation. You also need to clean up the remaining cells after therapy, and then build back your immune system so cancer does not recur. If you are going to pursue an alternative treatment path while you have the time, boosting your immune system is Job #1. Several chapters in How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer show you how to do that.

3. Alkalize your internal environment. Cancer cells are highly acidic, and cancer can’t live in an alkaline environment. You can test your pH level with test strips from the pharmacy or health food store. It should be over 7.0, preferably in the 7.2 to 7.4 range. If your internal body environment is acidic, it makes it much easier for cancer to grow and metastasize. Prostate cancer often metastasizes to the bones, making it much harder to beat.

4. Get more oxygen to your cells. Cancer hates oxygen. In the lab, when they are doing an experiment where they want cancerous cells to grow quickly, they simply turn down the oxygen. When they want to stabilize the experiment, they turn the oxygen back up. The same is true of your body.

5. Take vitamins and supplements. If you eat the Standard American Diet, you are eating fruits and vegetables grown on depleted soil, picked too early so they won’t ripen and spoil while they’re in the distribution chain, and then probably overcooked. Even if you are eating organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed pastured meat and raw milk, you still can’t get the massive amounts of vitamins and supplements you need to let your immune system overcome a cancerous tumor that has become established. You must take high-quality vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes and specific anti-cancer supplements like those recommended in Chapter 7 of How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer.

* * * * *

The complete Free Report with all 10 important steps a man can take to begin fighting his prostate cancer right away can be obtained from http://www.beat-prostate-cancer.net.

About The Author
Michael Murphy is the Executive Director of the Cures Research Institute, an organization dedicated to combining the best of conventioal and alternative medicine to drmatically improve outcomes for people with health problems. © Cures Research Institute 2006

"Health and Wealth" or "Wealth and Health" by: A Raymond Randall

On Wednesday at 1015AM October 13th, my body was intact with no parts missing. At two AM, Thursday October 14th, I awakened in someone else's bed. Lahey Hospital's. At 3AM, I sat in a large leather reclining chair (I tried wheeling it to my car, but the nurses stopped me) giving thanks for thoughtful and caring friends. Exactly 24 hours after the anesthesiologist put me under, I stood in my kitchen with a catheter and one rather important body part missing. Boy, that all happened rather fast!

The sequence of doctor's visits, surgery, and follow-up force me to ask, "what matters?" Our wealth or our health? You might think, "Health, of course!" Someone else might reply, "Wealth; my health will take care of itself if I have plenty of money."

Health never takes care of itself. All kinds of stuff goes on under the skin that needs attention. Overlooking, procrastinating, disliking doctors will not slow-down the creeping effects of cancer or other ailments. Prostate cancer kills. Men need to take careful steps to protect themselves. Actions may not ward off cancer (they did not for me); they will allow time to manage it quickly and wisely. Most men just do not get it.

I get many questions, "What did they do?" "Did they take part of your prostate or all of it?" Is it a "prostrate" or a "prostate"? What is a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test? Each question is loaded with nuance and fear. This newsletter permits my sharing some valuable thoughts and suggestions. If you like wealth, you better become responsible for your health.

Here are suggestions and observations about prostate cancer. Just the same, knowledge and action encourage a healthy prognosis.

Facts men and women should know

*8 men out of 10 will die with prostate cancer, but not from it.

*Get an annual physical (I started them at age 25)

*Request a Prostate Specific Antigen test. Read about it here: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Detection/PSA

*Pay attention to your PSA levels (mine accelerated to 3.9 quickly.

*Your doctor will perform a DRE; don't resist. If "DRE" does not ring any bells, ask your doctor.

*If a biopsy becomes the next step, be sure to take what they prescribe before the procedure; I forgot; it hurts.

If you must have the prostate removed; check on multiple options (I met with three specialists at three hospitals.

*Proton Beam Therapy: http://www.llu.edu/proton/

*Davinci laparoscopic surgical method; http://www.davinciprostatectomy.com/

*Laparoscopic surgical method: http://www.prostate-cancer.org/education/localdis/brosman_RP2003.html

For the sake of the body, keep head and heart with:

*Faith: the essence of hope.

*Family: the essence of encouragement

*Friends: the evidence of how many care.

Learn more:

*"Unlocking Secrets of Longevity" - Read about the "Blue Zones" http://www.bluezones.com.

*Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer

Men know more about the stock market than their bodies. An ancient text reads, "We are fearfully and wonderfully made." The outcome of our choices may be answered by our priorities: Health and Wealth?...or...Wealth and Health?

About The Author

Ray Randall serves clients as a registered investment advisor with his firm, Ethos Advisory Services, Essex, Massachusetts Ethos Advisory Services. He has wide experience within the financial services industry, writes a weekly newsletter for Ethos Advisory Services http://www.ethosadvisory.com, and coordinates the developments at Echievements.com. Ray holds a Masters Degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Hamilton, MA. You may call Ray (617-275-5565).

Health Benefits Of Tomatoes by: Tim Sousa

Did you know that tomatoes were once considered poison? It's true, the tomato is a member of the nightshade family, and was at one time considered to be toxic. Tomatoes were first eaten in the U.S. in the early 1800's, when a gentleman by the name of Robert Johnson shocked his hometown by eating a basket of tomatoes in the middle of town. When he didn't die, or even get sick from the tomatoes, they became a part of the American diet.

We now know that tomatoes are not toxic, and in fact are quite nutritious. First of all, tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, which is quite beneficial, as you've probably heard. Vitamin C helps the body to produce collagen, an important protein skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, helping to prevent cell damage by free radicals.

Tomatoes also contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Studies have shown that men consuming 10 servings of tomatoes a week cut the risk of prostate cancer by 45%. Lycopene also lower the risk of colorectal cancer and stomach cancer, and inhibits the growth of other types of cancer cells. Lycopene may also help older folks remain active.

Coumaric acid and chlorogenic acied are also found in tomatoes. These two compounds are thought to block the effects of nitrosamines, which are formed naturally in the body, but are also a strong carcinogen in tobacco smoke.

Tomatoes may also help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. Niacin has been used for years to lower cholesterol. Potassium has been shown to lower high blood pressure. And vitamin B6 and folate are used by the body to convert a dangerous chemical called homocysteine into more benign compounds.

Vitamin K, found in tomatoes helps to maintain healthy bones. Vitamin K1 activates a protein in the bones called osteocalcin, which anchors calcium inside the bone. Without enough vitamin K, bone mineralization is impaired.

When you buy tomatoes, be sure to buy the ones with the brightest red color. This indicates high amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene. Lycopene is found in the cell walls of the tomato, so by cooking it in a bit of oil, more lycopene is fully released. Also, cooking the tomato in a bit of olive oil helps your body to absorb the lycopene. If all you can find are canned tomatoes, that's fine. Cooking and canning don't cause tomatoes to lose any of their nutritional value. So cooked and processed tomatoes are just as beneficial as fresh tomatoes.

So tomatoes, once thought to be deadly poison, are now a nutritious staple of our diet. They help to fight cancer, and they contain a good amount of vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals. So go ahead and start adding tomatoes to your diet.

Spaghetti Sauce:

1 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 small onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced (or more if you want)
1 lb ground beef (optional)
4 28oz. cans of crushed tomatoes
1 28oz. can of tomato sauce
2 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 Tbsp dried oregano
3 bay leaves

In a large soup pot, heat the olive oil over medium high heat. Add the chopped onion, and cook for a couple of minutes, until the onion is tender. Add the garlic, and cook briefly. Be sure not to burn the garlic.

If using ground beef, cook the meat in a skillet until browned. Drain the meat, and add it to the pot.

Add the tomatoes, tomato sauce, worcestershire sauce, oregano, and bay leaves. Stir everything together, then turn the heat to medium low, and simmer for 4 hours, stirring occasionally.

Remove the sauce from the heat, and serve over pasta. The leftover sauce will freeze well.

About The Author

Tim Sousa is the webmaster for http://negative-calories.blogspot.com, A blog about the negative calorie diet, and negative calorie foods.

7 Things Every Man Should Know About The Prostate by: Anne Nickerson i

Next time you see your father, your uncle, or any older gentleman over age 60 or so, ask them about their prostate. If you know the guy well enough, and he feels comfortable enough around you (some would say too comfortable), he will surely share a whole litany of the common prostate problems that are troubling him, or have troubled him, or will trouble him in the near future. That's because an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and even prostate cancer can be in the cards for every man past a certain age.

It's the scary but true fact of getting old as a man. For instance, every man should know that prostate cancer is one of the most common prostate problems out there. It tops the list of cancers that afflict men, happening in nearly as many men, roughly speaking, as breast cancer in women. Prostate cancer doesn't get the press that breast cancer does, however, probably because most men would rather not speak about what's happening down there.

Second thing most men don't, but should, know is exactly what that prostate is. A prostate is actually part of a man's sexual organs. Located just below the bladder in a man, wrapped around the urethra, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. Its main job in the birds-and-bees scheme of things is to add fluid to your sperm during ejaculation.

And most of the time, men don't even realize they have a prostate because it's a hidden internal organ, but all men find out quickly what and where their prostate is when they suffer a common prostate problem.

For instance, all men should know that prostate issues aren't just for older men. Men under 50 can get prostatitis, or an extremely painful infection of their prostate. This is a swelling of the prostate that can cause fever, a burning sensation during urination, and fatigue.

And all men over 50 should be aware of their number one most common prostate problem, which is an enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hypertrophy. This benign, or nonfatal condition, is actually far more common in older men than prostate cancer, which should give some relief to older men when they know it.

Men should all be aware of the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, such as leaking and dribbling during urination, a weak urine stream, trouble getting started with urination, and even small amounts of blood in the urine.

And though benign prostatic hypertrophy is more common than prostate cancer, men should be aware that the two can go hand in hand. It's not always the case, and many men with an enlarged prostate will never develop into cancer. But it's good to keep your eyes out for both, because they can have similar symptoms.

About The Author

This article about prostate health is submitted by S.A. Nickerson, writing for http://www.prostate-help-infosite.com.

Prostate Cancer Health Tips by: Richard Haigh i

Tip 1

If you suspect that you have prostate cancer. Go to your doctor and ask for a Prostate Specific Antigen test. This is the common test used to detect the disease.

The systems of the disese are

A general pain in the prostate area

A need to urinate frequently, especially at night time

Difficulty in urinating, both in starting or holding back

Interrupted or weak flow of urine

The presence of blood and in urine and semen

Pain or burning sensation when urinating

Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection)

Uncomfortable or painful ejaculation

A frequent pain or stiffness in the upper thighs, hips, or lower back.

Some of the mentioned symptoms can also be related to other reproductive diseases other than prostate cancer. Ask your doctor.

Tip 2

Use Soy based products in your diet. Soy is very rich in isoflavones: go to


for more information.

Although the benefit of isoflavones to treat prostate cancer is not yet fully proven, their general health benefits are undoubtedly beneficial to overall health, which is what is needed.

Using Soy does not have to cost you an arm and a leg in your weekly shopping, you can make your own. See http://www.nandyala.org/mahanandi/?p=375 for recipes or see http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/soymilk.html for soy making machines.

Tip 3

You may very well enjoy this tip: have a single glass of red wine every evening. Drink ten cups of green tea, which is thought to contain an adequate amount of polyphenol to obstruct the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Tip 4

Get to love the humble tomato for it contains antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of the prostate cancer developing. In the winter months when

fresh tomatoes are not in season, use tomato sauce or tinned tomato; cooking does not affect the antioxidants. You can also have watermelon for desert for a double dose of Lycopene.

Tip 5

It is vital to make sure you are and remain at your ideal weight when it comes to prostate cancer. Being very overweight or obese makes it very tough to become aware of prostate cancer. There is also the fact that not being the right weight has a harmful effect on the outcome of the disease. They are many diets and ways of losing weight, I would suggest trying one of the two products the Aloe Store. Hoodia Super Slim or

Aloe weight loss diet pack . Click on www.aloeverexpress.com

Tip 6

For a neutral balanced lifestyle weight management and fitness are vital and should be part of your overall strategy to fight prostate (or any other sickness for that matter). This means being sensibly active and eat a variety of foods particularly fruits and vegetables, you are far less likely to become ill. What ever we are talking about: having a cold or getting cancer, people who exercise and eat the right food are at a great advantage. Build up your immune system and maintain it: Drink Aloe Vera to do this Click on www.aloeveraexpress.com

Tip 7

Exercising does not necessary mean standing in the middle of a room waving your arms or legs about. You can have fun doing it and have a very good social life at the same time. Join a walking club. Go out and do whatever sport takes your fancy. The main thing is get off the couch and make a start.

Tip 8

It is key that you get serious about habitual exercises. It is highly suggested that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day no less than three times a week.

Certainly, you should try to go beyond this bare minimum, but start there. Have a look at the following link for help:


Tip 9

Exercises that stretch you, will persevere the flexibility of your body and limber. Exercises that will get your heart healthy like jogging, walking, and cycling will help to burn lots of calories. If you need to build up your muscles and strengthen your body, consider resistance training.

Tip 10

Modern scientific studies have shown that pollen helps the prostate function properly. The reason is that it contains many vitamins and minerals important for glandular function. Pollen also contains testosterone, which is the essential male hormone. Warning: Asthmatics should not use bee pollen. Buy your bee pollen at


Tip 11

Eat pumpkin seeds; these have been found to contain large amounts of magnesium, which the French have proven to be effective in the treatment of prostate ailments. For more information about the use of these seeds go to

http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82: they also have some very good recipes

Tip 12

It is true to say that most cases of prostate cancer grow so slowly that action is rarely needed. Most of the time it is a case of “watchful waiting”. Which means the doctor will place you under surveillance and routine testing. If the cancer reaches a point in which it becomes a danger to the patient, other treatment methods will come into play. These methods consist of radiotherapy, hormone therapy, or surgery.

It is not yet even known precisely why some people get prostate cancer, but a high fat high carbohydrate diet, obesity, race and family history all play a part. It is now up to you to choose if you want to reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer.

If you do have treatment for a prostate cancer, your aftercare would benefit a lot towards a speedy recovery if: you keep as mobile as possible and maintain a good level of fitness

Tip 13

If you find you need emotional support, look for local support groups. Most major cancer centres have support groups for everyone in the community. If you are fortunate enough to live near one, you should have no troubles at all finding one on hand. However, if you don’t live near a cancer centre, you may need to talk with your doctor to get an idea of where to begin. And to finish if you think you have prostate cancer: the first thing to do is to see your doctor.

About The Author
Richard is the webmaster for:

Medical Disclaimer:
The author has taken every opportunity to ensure all information produced is correct and up to date at time of writing. The Food and Drug Administration have evaluated no documentation on article, and no documentation in this article should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any information given in this article is to be used for educational and information purposes only. It should never be substituted for the medical advice from your own doctor or other health care professionals

Please, always consult your doctor or health care specialist if you are in any way concerned about your physical well-being.

Prostate Cancer by: Kelly Moore

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What’s A Man Must Know About Prostate Cancer! by: Fritz Frei i

1 Testosterone and its active metabolite.

Dihydro-testosterone are essential for prostate cancer to develop, but does not actually cause prostate cancer. Men who are castrated at a young age do not develop prostate cancer.

2 Prevalence of prostate cancer

One in ten men will develop clinically significant prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American males with 250 000 new cases reported annually. Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in both the USA and the UK. Prostate cancer is rare among Orientals. It is more common in black than white Americans. The disease appears to present at a younger age and behave more aggressively in American blacks. Prostate cancer is common in South Africa and probably underreported as a cause of death. The exact incidence in South Africa is not known as no large-scale epidemiological studies have been performed. It is uncertain whether prostate cancer is more common in South African blacks as compared to whites. In very old men prostate cancer is not always clinically significant. Autopsy data indicate a 70% incidence of prostate cancer in 80 year old men. The majority of these men died with rather than from prostate cancer.

3 Causes of prostate cancer

There is no single cause of prostate cancer. The cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the glandular elements of the prostate. As with most cancers defects in the DNA of the cell are central to the development of prostate cancer. Multiple DNA defects are required for cancer to develop. This multi-step process takes place over time. Some defects can be inherited, while others are acquired during the patient's lifetime. Prostate cancer is exceedingly rare before the age of 40, but 1 in 8 men between the ages of 60 and 80 years suffer from the disease. 9% of all prostate cancers are caused by a genetic susceptibility, probably inherited via chromosome 1. These genetically related cancers tend to present at a relatively younger age.

4 What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis means “inflammation of the prostate”, and is one of the most common reasons men visiting the doctor in the western world. It is most common in men over the age of 30, and particularly in men over the age of 60. While prostatitis is treatable, diagnosis can be lengthy and not all treatments are successful. This is partly because the various causes of prostatitis are not fully understood. There are three main types of prostatitis:

· Acute prostatitis, which develops suddenly and may not be permanent.

· Non-bacterial prostatitis, which may develop suddenly or follow a slower or variable course. It is now more commonly called chronic male pelvic pain syndrome because it cannot be proved to be “non-bacterial”, though a bacterial cause cannot be identified.

· Chronic (bacterial) prostatitis, which develops gradually and may only have subtle symptoms, though it often continues for a prolonged period.

· asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - which has no symptoms at all but results in an inflamed prostate, is sometimes mentioned. It has been discovered when biopsies are conducted on the prostate to rule out cancer, and no cancer is found. This is a histological and not a clinical diagnosis. Prostatitis is often reported on the histological analysis of TURP specimens when the prostate resection was performed for symptoms of BPH. If the patient is asymptomatic this histological finding does not warrant any treatment.

With our next information - we will inform you about the “Symptoms of prostate cancer” - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question send us your e-mail.

Fritz Frei Admin
mailto: info@cancer-info.info

About The Author

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the Male - Breast-Cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the http://www.cancer-info.info.

Prostrate Health Tips

Prostate Health Tips

Tip 1

If you suspect that you have prostate cancer. Go to your doctor and ask for a Prostate Specific Antigen test. This is the common test used to detect the disease.

The systems of the disese are

1. A general pain in the prostate area
2. A need to urinate frequently, especially at night time
3. Difficulty in urinating, both in starting or holding back
4. Interrupted or weak flow of urine
5. The presence of blood and in urine and semen
6. Pain or burning sensation when urinating
7. Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection)
8. Uncomfortable or painful ejaculation
9. A frequent pain or stiffness in the upper thighs, hips, or lower back.

Some of the mentioned symptoms can also be related to other reproductive diseases other than prostate cancer. Ask your doctor.

Tip 2

Use Soy based products in your diet. Soy is very rich in isoflavones: go to http://www.althealth.co.uk/services/info/supplements/isoflavones1.php for more information.

Although the benefit of isoflavones to treat prostate cancer is not yet fully proven, their general health benefits are undoubtedly beneficial to overall health, which is what is needed.

Using Soy does not have to cost you an arm and a leg in your weekly shopping, you can make your own. See http://www.nandyala.org/mahanandi/?p=375 for recipes or see http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/soymilk.html for soy making machines.

Tip 3
You may very well enjoy this tip: have a single glass of red wine every evening. Drink ten cups of green tea, which is thought to contain an adequate amount of polyphenol to obstruct the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Tipp 4

Get to love the humble tomato for it contains antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of the prostate cancer developing. In the winter months when fresh tomatoes are not in season, use tomato sauce or tinned tomato; cooking does not affect the antioxidants. You can also have watermelon for desert for a double dose of Lycopene.

Tip 5

It is vital to make sure you are and remain at your ideal weight when it comes to prostate cancer. Being very overweight or obese makes it very tough to become aware of prostate cancer. There is also the fact that not being the right weight has a harmful effect on the outcome of the disease. They are many diets and ways of losing weight, I would suggest trying one of the two products the Aloe Store. Hoodia Super Slim or Aloe weight loss diet pack . Click on http://www.aloeverexpress.com

Tip 6

For a neutral balanced lifestyle weight management and fitness are vital and should be part of your overall strategy to fight prostate (or any other sickness for that matter). This means being sensibly active and eat a variety of foods particularly fruits and vegetables, you are far less likely to become ill. What ever we are talking about: having a cold or getting cancer, people who exercise and eat the right food are at a great advantage. Build up your immune system and maintain it: Drink Aloe Vera to do this Click on http://www.aloeveraexpress.com

Tip 7

Exercising does not necessary mean standing in the middle of a room waving your arms or legs about. You can have fun doing it and have a very good social life at the same time. Join a walking club. Go out and do whatever sport takes your fancy. The main thing is get off the couch and make a start.

Tip 8

It is key that you get serious about habitual exercises. It is highly suggested that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day no less than three times a week. Certainly, you should try to go beyond this bare minimum, but start there. Have a look at the following link for help: http://www.TrainerProfiles.com

Tip 9

Exercises that stretch you, will persevere the flexibility of your body and limber. Exercises that will get your heart healthy like jogging, walking, and cycling will help to burn lots of calories. If you need to build up your muscles and strengthen your body, consider resistance training.

Tip 10

Modern scientific studies have shown that pollen helps the prostate function properly. The reason is that it contains many vitamins and minerals important for glandular function. Pollen also contains testosterone, which is the essential male hormone. Warning: Asthmatics should not use bee pollen. Buy your bee pollen at http://www.aloeveraexpress.com/

Tip 11

Eat pumpkin seeds; these have been found to contain large amounts of magnesium, which the French have proven to be effective in the treatment of prostate ailments. For more information about the use of these seeds go to http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82: they also have some very good recipes

Tip 12

It is true to say that most cases of prostate cancer grow so slowly that action is rarely needed. Most of the time it is a case of “watchful waiting”. Which means the doctor will place you under surveillance and routine testing. If the cancer reaches a point in which it becomes a danger to the patient, other treatment methods will come into play. These methods consist of radiotherapy, hormone therapy, or surgery. It is not yet even known precisely why some people get prostate cancer, but a high fat high carbohydrate diet, obesity, race and family history all play a part. It is now up to you to choose if you want to reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer. If you do have treatment for a prostate cancer, your aftercare would benefit a lot towards a speedy recovery if: you keep as mobile as possible and maintain a good level of fitness.

Tip 13

If you find you need emotional support, look for local support groups. Most major cancer centres have support groups for everyone in the community. If you are fortunate enough to live near one, you should have no troubles at all finding one on hand. However, if you don’t live near a cancer centre, you may need to talk with your doctor to get an idea of where to begin. And to finish if you think you have prostate cancer: the first thing to do is to see your doctor.

About The Author
Richard Haigh is the web master for www.aloveraexpress and http://www.crystalrocksaltlamp.com

Medical Disclaimer:

The author has taken every opportunity to ensure all information produced is correct and up to date at time of writing. The Food and Drug Administration have evaluated no documentation on article, and no documentation in this article should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any information given in this article is to be used for educational and information purposes only. It should never be substituted for the medical advice from your own doctor or other health care professionals

Please, always consult your doctor or health care specialist if you are in any way concerned about your physical well-being.

Why Are Antioxidants Important To Me?

Did you know that when we breath oxygen, it interacts with certain molecules in our bodies to create free radicals and that these free radicals damage important cellular structures such as DNA and cell membranes? Well, it is true and this damage may cause cells to function poorly and mutate. Free radical damage may lead to disease and aging.

We are exposed to huge amounts of free radicals from pollution, and pesticides. Every time you breathe, you take in millions of free radical molecules created by cigarette smoke, radiation, and automobile emissions. Every time you eat, you consume free radicals in the form of pesticides and preservatives.

This is where antioxidants come in. Our bodies have a natural defense system against these free radicals. Our immune system creates antioxidants which are able to neutralize free radicals and prevent much cellular damage. We also need antioxidants from other sources such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, some meat, poultry and fish.

I bet you may recognize these antioxidants: vitamin E, C and beta carotene (a form of vitamin A. Others include luetin, lycopene, magnesium, and zinc.

There has been much talk about antioxidants preventing heart disease which is so deadly that it results in an average of 1 death every 34 seconds. The American Heart Association says, ?Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol is important in the development of fatty buildups in the arteries. This process, called atherosclerosis (ath"er-o-skleh-RO'sis), can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Increasing evidence suggests that LDL cholesterol lipoprotein oxidation and its biological effects can be prevented by using antioxidants -- both in the diet and in supplements.? In 1993, Harvard University researchers reported that supplemental doses of vitamin E actually reduced the risk of heart disease by as much as 54 percent!

And what effects can antioxidants have on the big ?C? word? This is a question that all of us are dying to know since one American in every three living today will get cancer, and one in four will die from it. The National Cancer Institute says, ?Considerable laboratory evidence from chemical, cell culture, and animal studies indicates that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent the development of cancer. However, information from recent clinical trials is less clear.? Selenium, an antioxidant mineral can help protect against breast cancer. One expert, Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer of the University of California at San Diego, stated, "If every woman in America started taking selenium supplements or had a high-selenium diet, then within a few years the breast cancer rate in this country would drastically decline. And according to a study by Dr. Larry Clark of the University of Arizona, 200 micrograms daily of selenium cut the rate of prostate cancer by 69% and lung cancer by 34%.

So clearly antioxidants are important for all of us to strengthen and protect our immune systems and to help guard against disease. Antioxidants may even help us live longer. The theory is that if free radical damage causes aging, antioxidants in high enough quantities should be able to slow aging. This theory is advanced in one California study of people aged 50 or older, where it was found that those "... with a higher intake of vitamin C were found to have a total death rate only 40% of that for those with the lower intake of C ... This decrease in the death rate corresponds to an increase by eleven years in the length of life." Even small doses of vitamin C can help. According to one UCLA study only 300 milligrams a day can add 6 years to a man's life and two years to a woman's life.

Antioxidants are made naturally by your body but supplementation from food or other sources is needed. The highest concentrations of antioxidants are found in the most deeply or brightly colored fruits and vegetables such as spinach, red bell peppers, raspberries, carrots, apricots, pomegranates, and tomatoes.

About The Author

Scarlet Paolicchi publishes Healthy Living Newsletter. She is also an independent distributor for Young Living products. You can visit her website at http://www.youngliving.com/scarlet

Helio Therapy And Your Mental Well Being

Since ancient times, natural light was known to have positive physiological effects on the human body. It dates back to a time when the famous Greek philosopher and the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, used the sun's rays in his naturopathic treatments for diseases. Heliotherapy is the practice of using sunlight to fight ailments and restore health.

In the early 20th century, heliotherapy was extensively used to treat diseases like tuberculosis, rickets in children and war-wounds. Its importance was formally recognized when Dr. Niels Finson got the Nobel Prize in 1903 for devising a method of ultraviolet therapy in tuberculosis-cure.

Heliotherapy involves using sun’s ultraviolet rays to initiate Vitamin D production in our skin and thereby prevents breast cancer, osteoporosis, prostate cancer, psoriasis, acne, etc. The increased metabolism in the body due to vitamin D production also multiplies enzyme reaction rate, cell regeneration, tissue repair, blood flow speed and increased oxygen supply.

Some significant beneficiaries of Heliotherapy

Spinal Cord Injury patients – Paralytic people suffer from severe loss of lower-extremity bone mass. Vitamin D causes Calcium (which is the most vital component of bone-growth) to be absorbed from the intestinal tracts. Vitamin D deficiency causes deformed bone-growth, increasing the probability of fractures.

Multiple Sclerosis patients - Studies reveal that people located in lesser sunlight-exposed areas are more prone to multiple sclerosis. For example, Norwegians living near the ocean and consuming vitamin D enriched seafood, report lesser cases of multiple sclerosis than those living inland.

Old Age patients - Vitamin D production in a body decreases with age. Studies say that this vitamin acts as a preventive agent against prostate cancer, which is the second most common cause of cancerous death in people over 75.

Athletes - Repeated researches in sports medicine have shown that routine exposure of athletes to the sun not only optimized their performance capabilities, but also significantly reduced the incidence and recovery time from minor injuries.

Apart from its medicinal virtues, heliotherapy signifies that Helios, or the sun, has always been a buoyant factor for perking up people's moods. This has been reflected over the ages in several poems, songs and movies. Interestingly, researchers have also found that exposure to sunlight increases the production of serotonin, a chemical that stimulates the human brain's pleasure centers, thereby uplifting our moods in moments of depression and anxiety. Herein remains the connection between heliotherapy and our mental well-being.

About The Author
Jesse Taylor gives you interesting news on http://www.thentheresyourhealth.com for you and your family. Find new ways to keep your family healthy. Visit our site today!

Recent Studies Show How Our Bodies Fight Disease

**Obese people less likely to survive colorectal cancer

According to a new report, people who are physically inactive and are obese around the middle have poor odds of survival after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

"We have now shown that modifiable lifestyle factors that were known to reduce the incidence of colorectal cancer can also reduce the mortality in cases diagnosed with the disease," Dr. Andrew M. M. Haydon told Reuters Health. "This strengthens the argument supporting the public health message of 'healthy living.'"

Haydon, from Monash Medical School in Melbourne, Australia, studied records from more than 40,000 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer between 1990 and 1994.

Patients who got regular exercise before their colorectal cancer was found were 31 percent less likely to die from the cancer than were non-exercisers, the investigators report in the medical journal Gut. In fact, 73 percent of exercisers survived at least five years, compared with 61 percent of non-exercisers.

Such an improvement in survival "is at least as large as" as is usually achieved by add-on chemotherapy.

A greater percentage of body fat, bigger waist circumference, and/or greater weight were also associated with worse survival, according to the report.

**Study shows short term sex life improvements in prostate cancer survivors

It is well known that many men who undergo prostate cancer treatment (surgery or radiation therapy) have sexual dysfunction. A recent study of 84 prostate cancer survivors attempted to determine the impact of post-treatment interventions such as counseling sessions.

The study found that a large percentage of those who completed four therapy sessions reported better sexual functioning 3 months later. Counseling sessions focused on better communication between partners, ED treatment options, and methods of enjoying sex in spite of ED.

Both partners reported improvements in their sex life for up to 3 months later. There was also an increase in the number of men using ED treatments such as Viagra.

However, after six months the improvements began to wane. The researchers speculated that couples tended to revert back to old habits, and there also might have been greater reliance put on the "magic pill" solution. Drugs such as Viagra tend to have a lower success rate in prostate cancer survivors, so when these drugs stop working couples may adopt a defeatist attitude.

**Vitamin D helps fight cancer, report claims

A research team from the San Diego Moores Cancer Center headed up by Dr. Cedric Garland recently concluded that Vitamin D deficiency is often associated with various types of cancer. Dr. Garland now advises people to increase their intake of Vitamin D through diet or a vitamin supplement.

The research team reviewed 63 studies conducted between 1966 and 2004 on the relationship between vitamin D and certain types of cancer. The report concluded that Vitamin D deficiency was a factor in several thousand deaths due to colon, breast, ovarian and other cancers every year.

The report recommended increasing Vitamin D intake, either in the form of supplements or by eating certain foods such as fortified orange juice, yogurt and cheeses. This is especially the case with people in northern latitudes where there is less exposure to the sun. African Americans are also more prone to a Vitamin D deficiency because the their skin pigment reduces the amount produced by the body.

Observers welcomed the University of California study but also warned that kidney and liver damage could result from too much vitamin D.

The "natural" form of the vitamin, called D3, is normally produced in the skin after exposure to sunlight, but is also obtained from certain foods such as oily fish, margarine and meat.

**Resveratrol found in grapes helps fix our aching joints

Researchers at the American College of Rheumatology in San Diego, California have found that resveratrol found in red wine appears to halt cartilage damage caused by osteoarthritis, and speed up recovery.

It is thought that oxygen-rich particles in the blood cause severe damage to body cells similar to the way rust rots a car. Resveratrol is a powerful anti-oxidant which seems to function as a way to prevent this kind of injury.

The research found that resveratrol resulted in a reduction of between 50 and 90% of the production of chemicals that cause inflammation in the joints. It also enhanced production of specific proteins that are part of the connective tissue in joints.

Red wine has other beneficial effects on the body. It contains polyphenrols that reduce the amount of bad LDL cholesterol in the arteries. It also increases the amount of good HDL cholesterol.

Tannin and resveratrol, the anti-oxydants found in red wine, help to guard against cancer and slow tumor growth.

About The Author

Rick Hendershot publishes Linknet News ==> http://www.linknet-news.com | For information on name brand prescription drugs, visit http://www.mybestscripts.com | To fight childhood obesity see http://www.body-mechanics.tv/tool-kit.htm

BPH (Prostate Enlargement) - What Is It and How Can It Be Treated?

BPH is the enlargement of the male prostate gland. It can have many associated problems including the need to urinate frequently, difficulty in urinating and inability to completely empty the bladder.

The main cause of BPH is age. It’s a very common complaint in older men - indeed over 50% of males 55 years old and over are thought to be suffering with BPH.

It’s important for BPH to be properly diagnosed, mainly to assess treatment options and to rule out other more serious problems such as prostate cancer.

The difficulty here is many males are embarrassed to seek treatment and indeed some will put up with annoying symptoms for years rather than admit to any problems in this sensitive area!

Still others fear being diagnosed with prostate cancer and will spend years worrying about the possibility while being too afraid to know.

All this, while quite understandable, coupled with a natural male reluctance to admit to any weakness is counter productive. Why suffer when it’s not necessary?

Even if there is a problem, it’s much better to know about it. This gives us back some control and ability to make choices among the many options now available.

BPH is what it says - “benign”. Meaning that there is no malignancy. Having been diagnosed then, all worry about cancer should cease! It’s sensible, however, to do everything to prevent prostate cancer - information about which can be found on the site below.

Treatments for BPH fall into 3 categories. Drugs, surgery or natural medications.

Prostate Surgery -

If the symptoms of BPH are severe and causing major problems such as complete inability to empty the bladder, then surgery is the best and probably the only option.. This can take several forms, but the most common is known as TURP.

TURP is performed without cutting and access to the prostate is through the urethra. An instrument is inserted which removes any obstructive tissue, easing the pressure thus relieving the BPH symptoms. TURP is a relatively safe operation.

Drug Treatments -

For those whoses BPH symptoms are not severe - or for those who hate the thought of surgery! - There are two main types of BPH medication.

Hormones - For example Finasteride (Proscar). Hormones work by interfering with the male hormone, testosterone. It is a slow acting and long term treatment. The side effects can be impotence and erection failure.

Alpha Blockers - These act by relaxing the muscle in the prostate itself which prevents urine flow. This is faster acting than the hormone approach but the side effects are weakness and lethargy.

Alternative BPH Treatment

These herbal remedies can be extremely effective without the side effects of drugs. For more information visit the site below.

This article is for informational use only. It is important to seek medical advice if you are experiencing BPH symptoms.

Copyright 2006 Wendy Owen

About The Author

Wendy Owen is a health writer and researcher.

Help for Prostate enlargement, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis and prostate cancer. Super prostate formula. Visit: http://www.safe-prostate-health.com

cause of prostate cancer

Next time you see your father, your uncle, or any older gentleman over age 60 or so, ask them about their prostate. If you know the guy well enough, and he feels comfortable enough around you (some would say too comfortable), he will surely share a whole litany of the common prostate problems that are troubling him, or have troubled him, or will trouble him in the near future. That's because an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and even prostate cancer can be in the cards for every man past a certain age.

It's the scary but true fact of getting old as a man. For instance, every man should know that prostate cancer is one of the most common prostate problems out there. It tops the list of cancers that afflict men, happening in nearly as many men, roughly speaking, as breast cancer in women. Prostate cancer doesn't get the press that breast cancer does, however, probably because most men would rather not speak about what's happening down there.

Second thing most men don't, but should, know is exactly what that prostate is. A prostate is actually part of a man's sexual organs. Located just below the bladder in a man, wrapped around the urethra, the prostate is about the size of a walnut. Its main job in the birds-and-bees scheme of things is to add fluid to your sperm during ejaculation.

And most of the time, men don't even realize they have a prostate because it's a hidden internal organ, but all men find out quickly what and where their prostate is when they suffer a common prostate problem.

For instance, all men should know that prostate issues aren't just for older men. Men under 50 can get prostatitis, or an extremely painful infection of their prostate. This is a swelling of the prostate that can cause fever, a burning sensation during urination, and fatigue.

And all men over 50 should be aware of their number one most common prostate problem, which is an enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hypertrophy. This benign, or nonfatal condition, is actually far more common in older men than prostate cancer, which should give some relief to older men when they know it.

Men should all be aware of the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, such as leaking and dribbling during urination, a weak urine stream, trouble getting started with urination, and even small amounts of blood in the urine.

And though benign prostatic hypertrophy is more common than prostate cancer, men should be aware that the two can go hand in hand. It's not always the case, and many men with an enlarged prostate will never develop into cancer. But it's good to keep your eyes out for both, because they can have similar symptoms.

About The Author

This article about prostate health is submitted by S.A. Nickerson, writing for http://www.prostate-help-infosite.com.

Prevent Prostate Cancer with Prostate PSA Test

One of the most widespread types of cancer that influences males is prostate cancer. In the United States , actually , there is one case for each 6 men. The cancer grows gradually and is usually concentrated on the prostate gland. There are patients who do not show any symptoms because their tumor grows too gradually while others grow so rapidly that they have to be treated immediately .

One way to detect prostate cancer is throughout the measurement of the prostate PSA level. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is the protein naturally present and created by the cells in the prostate gland. Normal men have small amounts of the PSA while those with cancer have high levels of this serum.

The test is conducted through blood sampling where the PSA is measured. Prostate PSA is the most effective method to detect prostate cancer and is necessary in order to treat the cancer at the beginning phases of its development .

Nearly all of the treatments for prostate cancer will depend on the prostate PSA level. If the results of the tests reflect high prostate PSA level, the doctor will prescribe a series of blood tests and extra tests to make a verified and exact diagnosis.

Depending on the outcome of the checks recommended , the doctor will arrange any or mixture of the most common therapies for this cancer. One such way is watchful waiting, which involves nothing but meetings to monitor the enlargement of the cancer cells. Using this method, the doctor will be in watch of the prostate PSA levels of the patient. Rectal exams are required for any changes in the dimension of the organ.

Because the growth for some is in fact slow, there really is no requirement to intervene. It is just suggested that the patient maintain his appointments for permanent observation. Patients have to be alert about the indications especially where their urination is concerned. Most of the symptoms are detected through several problems with urinating.

Men aged 50 and over are recommended for prostate PSA tests to detect cancer. These older men are more at possibility of developing the cancer cells because prostate glands grow bigger as they age and they also become more apt to the cancer.

The normal prostate PSA level for men 60 years old and below is about 2.5 ng/ml. If older than 60, a man may have as high as 4.0 ng/ml because the prostate gland may have already enlarged at this time . Enlarged prostate glands create more PSA. Cells affected with cancer are able to produce up to 10 times more PSA than a regular, normal prostate gland cell. So, after the cancer cells grow, there will be higher levels of PSA that go into the bloodstream and that is why a PSA test is expected to discover prostate cancer.

There are cases when the PSA levels are high but the patient has no cancer. The reason of the rise in the prostate PSA is due to Benign Prostatic Hypertorphy (BPH) or inflammation of the prostate, which may also increase the production of PSA.

About The Author

The author is the owner of Prostate Cancer-Prostate Cancer treatment web site .

For more information on Prostate problems and the cure go to http://www.the-prostate.com

Visit the author's web site at:

What’s the Treatment's of Prostate Cancer?

Surgical castration by orchidectomy

Surgical castration is the simplest and cheapest way to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The obvious disadvantage is the psychological effect of the loss of the testicles.


LHRH-analogues and oestrogen achieve a "medical castration" by stopping the testicular production of testosterone. LHRH-analogues are injections that have to be given monthly or three monthly for the rest of the patient's life. They are effective but very expensive.


Oestrogen can be taken orally on a daily basis. It has a high incidence of thrombotic complications such as stroke and myocardial infarction.


Anti-androgens oppose the action of testosterone by blocking the androgen receptors. The incidence of erectile dysfunction is less than with surgical or medical orchidectomy because testosterone levels are maintained in the bloodstream. Anti-androgens alone are probably not adequate treatment for metastatic disease. Total androgen blockade by a combination of steroidal anti-androgens and LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy has not been shown to be better than LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy alone. However, non-steroidal anti-androgens yields slightly better results than castration alone.

Locally advanced disease without metastases.

The overall results of treatment of patients with disease beyond the prostate are not good. Some patients with early disease beyond the prostatic capsule, and no evidence of metastases, benefit from radical treatment. The most widely used treatment regimens consist of a combination of radiotherapy and hormonal treatment.

Treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic disease.

· Early hormonal treatment

· Watchful waiting with hormonal treatment once symptoms develop

Disease that has spread to the seminal vesicles and beyond is not real curable.

Prostate cancer is dependent on the male hormone testosterone. 80% of patients will respond to hormonal treatment that deprives the tumor of testosterone. This response usually involves the shrinkage of metastases and symptomatic improvement for the patient. The response to hormonal treatment is not a cure but can last for many years in some patients. The average duration of response is 2 years. Most cancers eventually escape hormonal manipulation. This is referred to as hormone independent disease and is usually followed by death within a few months.

Controversy exists regarding the timing of hormonal treatment. Most studies indicate a survival benefit for early rather than late hormonal maneuver. Testosterone deprivation has side effects like erectile dysfunction, breast enlargement and osteoporosis. The earlier hormonal treatment is instituted the greater the chance of complications. Once again treatment has to be individualized to the needs of the specific patient.

With our next information - we will inform you about the “Staging and grading of prostate cancer” - so you should have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! If you have any question sends us your e-mail.


Fritz Frei Admin


About The Author

Fritz Frei make it easy to check out the important details about the diagnoses and test's of the prostate cancer. To receive more information's about all cancer -questions - Links and last research NEW's - visit the http://www.cancer-info.info.

Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace element that is supplied in certain foods and supplements.

The study suggests that making a point of eating Selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts and tuna, or taking a Selenium supplement, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Supplementation is especially useful for older men, as Selenium blood content decreases with patient age.

Although there are no solid statistics regarding exactly how much levels of Selenium in the blood are improved by supplementation, head researcher, James D. Brooks, MD is decidedly optimistic about the subject. He believes that supplementation could potentially be of great benefit in preventing prostate cancer, but goes on to comment that more precise research is needed in order to discern exact statistics on the extent of those benefits.

Overall, the researchers who conducted this study believe that they have made some very interesting discoveries, and that increasing levels of Selenium in the blood can significantly reduce a patient's risk of developing the most common form of cancer affecting men.

About The Author

Jeremy Maddock is the webmaster of http://www.immunewellness.com - your source for high quality information about a variety of health products, including Selenium (www.immunewellness.com/selenium.htm).

Know The Causes of Male Impotence

Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is defined as a man’s inability to get an erection or maintain it long enough to have sex@ with a partner. For some men, impotence means they are unable to ejaculate during sex.

Erectile dysfunction or impotence happens to most men at one time or another, but studies indicate that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, so it is often associated with the aging process in men.

Occasional impotence is often not seen as a problem, but when impotence continues for awhile, it can bring on great emotional distress for both the man and his partner.


There are a number of reasons why you may have impotence. In around three-quarters of cases there are physical problems affecting the blood supply. However, there is a complex relationship between the physical and psychological aspects of sexual function. For instance, you may have physical health problems that cause psychological distress and this may have an additional effect on erection problems.

Physical health

A number of different conditions may cause impotence, including: -
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
If you have had surgery in your pelvic area
Hormone imbalances

Cardiovascular disease: - High blood pressure, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and other problems with the heart and blood vessels can cause erectile dysfunction by hampering blood flow to the penis. The Massachusetts Male Aging study found that 15 percent of men with hypertension were completely impotent, compared with 9.6 percent of the entire study group.

Medications: - The National Institutes of Health reports that many common drugs can lead to erectile dysfunction, including antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, appetite suppressants, the ulcer drug cimetidine, and blood pressure medications such as beta blockers and diuretics. (If you develop erectile dysfunction while taking antidepressants or blood pressure medications, however, remember that the disease itself could also be to blame.)

Diabetes: - If it causes extensive damage to nerves and blood vessels, diabetes can block pleasurable sensations as well as blood flow. The NIH estimates that 35 to 50 percent of all men with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Psychological factors: - According to the NIH, psychological distress lies at the root of 10 to 20 percent of all cases of erectile dysfunction. If you suffer from erectile dysfunction but have erections in the morning or while you sleep, there's a good chance your problem is largely psychological. Factors that can lead to erectile dysfunction include stress, fear, performance anxiety, guilt, depression, and low self-esteem. Feelings of resentment or hostility -- harbored by either the person experiencing erectile dysfunction or his partner -- can also derail intimacy.

Prostate surgery: - Not long ago, many men had to sacrifice their sex lives after undergoing surgery for prostate cancer. Today, thanks to new surgical techniques that spare the nerves and vessels feeding the penis, erectile dysfunction is far from inevitable. Surgeons at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis recently conducted a study of cancer patients who were able to achieve erections normally before surgery. Sixty-eight percent of the men studied were still able to have erections after the prostate gland was removed. However, only 48 percent of those 70 and older regained their potency.

Smoking: - Cigarettes can damage your arteries, with consequences that are enough to make even the Marlboro Man find a different habit. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control, smokers between the ages of 31 and 49 are 80 percent more likely than nonsmokers of the same age to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Bicycling: - Although there is controversy on this subject, a few experts say regular cycling is a major cause of erectile dysfunction. A recent Boston University survey looked at more than 1,000 male cycling and running club members, with an average age of 43, and found that 4 percent of cyclists had moderate to complete erectile dysfunction, compared with 1 percent of runners. There's no doubt that pressing one's crotch into a hard bicycle seat puts tremendous pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that feed the penis. If you ride a bike, be sure to lean back regularly to shift your weight from the groin area to the buttocks. You should also consider investing in a seat that's specially designed to put less pressure on the groin. If you often feel numbness in your penis after bike riding, or if numbness is less frequent but lingers, schedule an appointment with your doctor or a urologist.

Lifestyle: - If you drink too much alcohol, this can affect your ability to get and keep an erection (often called brewer's droop). In the longer term, it interferes with the production of the male hormone testosterone, which can reduce your sexual drive and desire (libido).

Smoking damages your blood vessels and so increases your risk of erection problems. Similarly, being physically inactive, which contributes to poor cardiovascular fitness, may raise the chances of you having impotence. Impotence may be an early warning sign that you are at risk of coronary heart disease (the arteries that go to your heart are narrowed).

Many men need greater tactile stimulation as they get older. You may want to consider a change in sexual foreplay and technique to ensure a sustained erection.

Other factors: - Alcoholism, pelvic injuries, multiple sclerosis, and below-normal levels of testosterone are all capable of causing erectile dysfunction.

Once you know the cause of the problem it can be easier to cure it naturally without any side effects. More information can be obtained from our website. Click here Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction

About The Author

My name is Sid Martin from Las Vegas, I am a part time article writer on health related topics such as men's health, sexual health etc. More information can be obtained from our website. Click here Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction


Prostrate Health Tips

Prostate Health Tips

Tip 1

If you suspect that you have prostate cancer. Go to your doctor and ask for a Prostate Specific Antigen test. This is the common test used to detect the disease.

The systems of the disese are

1. A general pain in the prostate area
2. A need to urinate frequently, especially at night time
3. Difficulty in urinating, both in starting or holding back
4. Interrupted or weak flow of urine
5. The presence of blood and in urine and semen
6. Pain or burning sensation when urinating
7. Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection)
8. Uncomfortable or painful ejaculation
9. A frequent pain or stiffness in the upper thighs, hips, or lower back.

Some of the mentioned symptoms can also be related to other reproductive diseases other than prostate cancer. Ask your doctor.

Tip 2

Use Soy based products in your diet. Soy is very rich in isoflavones: go to http://www.althealth.co.uk/services/info/supplements/isoflavones1.php for more information.

Although the benefit of isoflavones to treat prostate cancer is not yet fully proven, their general health benefits are undoubtedly beneficial to overall health, which is what is needed.

Using Soy does not have to cost you an arm and a leg in your weekly shopping, you can make your own. See http://www.nandyala.org/mahanandi/?p=375 for recipes or see http://www.wheatgrasskits.com/soymilk.html for soy making machines.

Tip 3
You may very well enjoy this tip: have a single glass of red wine every evening. Drink ten cups of green tea, which is thought to contain an adequate amount of polyphenol to obstruct the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Tipp 4

Get to love the humble tomato for it contains antioxidants, which can help reduce the risk of the prostate cancer developing. In the winter months when fresh tomatoes are not in season, use tomato sauce or tinned tomato; cooking does not affect the antioxidants. You can also have watermelon for desert for a double dose of Lycopene.

Tip 5

It is vital to make sure you are and remain at your ideal weight when it comes to prostate cancer. Being very overweight or obese makes it very tough to become aware of prostate cancer. There is also the fact that not being the right weight has a harmful effect on the outcome of the disease. They are many diets and ways of losing weight, I would suggest trying one of the two products the Aloe Store. Hoodia Super Slim or Aloe weight loss diet pack . Click on http://www.aloeverexpress.com

Tip 6

For a neutral balanced lifestyle weight management and fitness are vital and should be part of your overall strategy to fight prostate (or any other sickness for that matter). This means being sensibly active and eat a variety of foods particularly fruits and vegetables, you are far less likely to become ill. What ever we are talking about: having a cold or getting cancer, people who exercise and eat the right food are at a great advantage. Build up your immune system and maintain it: Drink Aloe Vera to do this Click on http://www.aloeveraexpress.com

Tip 7

Exercising does not necessary mean standing in the middle of a room waving your arms or legs about. You can have fun doing it and have a very good social life at the same time. Join a walking club. Go out and do whatever sport takes your fancy. The main thing is get off the couch and make a start.

Tip 8

It is key that you get serious about habitual exercises. It is highly suggested that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day no less than three times a week. Certainly, you should try to go beyond this bare minimum, but start there. Have a look at the following link for help: http://www.TrainerProfiles.com

Tip 9

Exercises that stretch you, will persevere the flexibility of your body and limber. Exercises that will get your heart healthy like jogging, walking, and cycling will help to burn lots of calories. If you need to build up your muscles and strengthen your body, consider resistance training.

Tip 10

Modern scientific studies have shown that pollen helps the prostate function properly. The reason is that it contains many vitamins and minerals important for glandular function. Pollen also contains testosterone, which is the essential male hormone. Warning: Asthmatics should not use bee pollen. Buy your bee pollen at http://www.aloeveraexpress.com/

Tip 11

Eat pumpkin seeds; these have been found to contain large amounts of magnesium, which the French have proven to be effective in the treatment of prostate ailments. For more information about the use of these seeds go to http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=82: they also have some very good recipes

Tip 12

It is true to say that most cases of prostate cancer grow so slowly that action is rarely needed. Most of the time it is a case of “watchful waiting”. Which means the doctor will place you under surveillance and routine testing. If the cancer reaches a point in which it becomes a danger to the patient, other treatment methods will come into play. These methods consist of radiotherapy, hormone therapy, or surgery. It is not yet even known precisely why some people get prostate cancer, but a high fat high carbohydrate diet, obesity, race and family history all play a part. It is now up to you to choose if you want to reduce the risk of dying from prostate cancer. If you do have treatment for a prostate cancer, your aftercare would benefit a lot towards a speedy recovery if: you keep as mobile as possible and maintain a good level of fitness.

Tip 13

If you find you need emotional support, look for local support groups. Most major cancer centres have support groups for everyone in the community. If you are fortunate enough to live near one, you should have no troubles at all finding one on hand. However, if you don’t live near a cancer centre, you may need to talk with your doctor to get an idea of where to begin. And to finish if you think you have prostate cancer: the first thing to do is to see your doctor.

About The Author

Richard Haigh is the web master for www.aloveraexpress and http://www.crystalrocksaltlamp.com

Medical Disclaimer:

The author has taken every opportunity to ensure all information produced is correct and up to date at time of writing. The Food and Drug Administration have evaluated no documentation on article, and no documentation in this article should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Any information given in this article is to be used for educational and information purposes only. It should never be substituted for the medical advice from your own doctor or other health care professionals

Please, always consult your doctor or health care specialist if you are in any way concerned about your physical well-being.

10 Important Steps To Beat Your Prostate Cancer by: Michael Murphy

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the United States and it is the second most common cause of cancer death in men over age 55. The incidence of prostate cancer increases dramatically with each decade after 50. Fortunately, prostate cancer tends to be slow-growing compared to many other cancers – the majority of prostate cancers either do not spread or cause any significant harm for decades.

In general, men run a 1-in-6 chance of developing prostate cancer at some point in their lives. More than 230,000 new cases are expected this year in the United States, with about 27,000 deaths.

Most men will choose conventional treatment, often surgery or radiation, but there are life-changing potential side effects they need to be aware of, and discuss with their doctors.

Surgery, called a prostatectomy for the surgical removal of the prostate gland, means impotence for about 75% of the men choosing this path, according to a September 2004 study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Also, about 14% of the men were incontinent – could not control their bladder – five years after the operation.

With standard radiation therapy, the odds of impotence are about the same, 73%. The incontinence rate was much lower, just under 5%. There are new radiation therapies we discussed in the new guidebook How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer that have better outcomes.

No matter what conventional therapy a man chooses, if he does nothing else there is a 30% to 40% chance that his cancer or another cancer will recur. That’s because his immune system was not strong enough to protect him from the first cancer, and if he does nothing it will be no stronger the next time it is needed. In addition, radiation and chemotherapy depress the immune system, leaving it weaker than it was before you got treatment. Finally, any cancerous cells that survive the radiation and chemotherapy treatments, or escape the surgeon’s knife – and a few ALWAYS do – must be cleaned up by the immune system. Yet those cells that survived radiation or chemotherapy are, by definition, the strongest mutant cells. Cells that survive chemotherapy even have their own name: Multi-drug resistant. All of this means that if a man’s cancer recurs, the cure rates the second time around are much, much lower – on the order of 5% survival.

So even if a man chooses conventional treatment, the information and advice on alternative treatments in How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer is very important for his recovery and continued good health.

Here are 5 of the 10 important steps covered in a Free Report by the authors of How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer that have worked for others:

1. Pick a doctor carefully. The numbers above on impotence and incontinence are pretty scary. Top surgeons who perform hundreds of these operations tend to have better numbers, and you should ALWAYS get the statistics in advance from any doctor before you let them treat you. Remember that if you are talking to a surgeon, he probably will want to operate. If your doctor is a radiation oncologist, don’t be surprised if he pushes radiation. A clinical oncologist might counsel chemotherapy. Always consider the source. If you want to try alternative therapy first, since you really are not pressed for time, choose an alternative doctor or health care practitioner just as carefully.

2. Boost your immune system. If you’re going to undergo conventional treatment, you need to boost your immune system to deal with the impact of chemotherapy and radiation. You also need to clean up the remaining cells after therapy, and then build back your immune system so cancer does not recur. If you are going to pursue an alternative treatment path while you have the time, boosting your immune system is Job #1. Several chapters in How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer show you how to do that.

3. Alkalize your internal environment. Cancer cells are highly acidic, and cancer can’t live in an alkaline environment. You can test your pH level with test strips from the pharmacy or health food store. It should be over 7.0, preferably in the 7.2 to 7.4 range. If your internal body environment is acidic, it makes it much easier for cancer to grow and metastasize. Prostate cancer often metastasizes to the bones, making it much harder to beat.

4. Get more oxygen to your cells. Cancer hates oxygen. In the lab, when they are doing an experiment where they want cancerous cells to grow quickly, they simply turn down the oxygen. When they want to stabilize the experiment, they turn the oxygen back up. The same is true of your body.

5. Take vitamins and supplements. If you eat the Standard American Diet, you are eating fruits and vegetables grown on depleted soil, picked too early so they won’t ripen and spoil while they’re in the distribution chain, and then probably overcooked. Even if you are eating organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed pastured meat and raw milk, you still can’t get the massive amounts of vitamins and supplements you need to let your immune system overcome a cancerous tumor that has become established. You must take high-quality vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes and specific anti-cancer supplements like those recommended in Chapter 7 of How To Beat Your Prostate Cancer.

* * * * *

The complete Free Report with all 10 important steps a man can take to begin fighting his prostate cancer right away can be obtained from http://www.beat-prostate-cancer.net.

About The Author

Michael Murphy is the Executive Director of the Cures Research Institute, an organization dedicated to combining the best of conventioal and alternative medicine to drmatically improve outcomes for people with health problems. © Cures Research Institute 2006

What’s A Man Must Know About Prostate Cancer!

1 Testosterone and its active metabolite.

Dihydro-testosterone are essential for prostate cancer to develop, but does not actually cause prostate cancer. Men who are castrated at a young age do not develop prostate cancer.

2 Prevalence of prostate cancer

One in ten men will develop clinically significant prostate cancer in their lifetime. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American males with 250 000 new cases reported annually. Prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer death in both the USA and the UK. Prostate cancer is rare among Orientals. It is more common in black than white Americans. The disease appears to present at a younger age and behave more aggressively in American blacks. Prostate cancer is common in South Africa and probably underreported as a cause of death. The exact incidence in South Africa is not known as no large-scale epidemiological studies have been performed. It is uncertain whether prostate cancer is more common in South African blacks as compared to whites. In very old men prostate cancer is not always clinically significant. Autopsy data indicate a 70% incidence of prostate cancer in 80 year old men. The majority of these men died with rather than from prostate cancer.

3 Causes of prostate cancer

There is no single cause of prostate cancer. The cancer originates in the epithelial cells of the glandular elements of the prostate. As with most cancers defects in the DNA of the cell are central to the development of prostate cancer. Multiple DNA defects are required for cancer to develop. This multi-step process takes place over time. Some defects can be inherited, while others are acquired during the patient's lifetime. Prostate cancer is exceedingly rare before the age of 40, but 1 in 8 men between the ages of 60 and 80 years suffer from the disease. 9% of all prostate cancers are caused by a genetic susceptibility, probably inherited via chromosome 1. These genetically related cancers tend to present at a relatively younger age.

4 What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis means “inflammation of the prostate”, and is one of the most common reasons men visiting the doctor in the western world. It is most common in men over the age of 30, and particularly in men over the age of 60. While prostatitis is treatable, diagnosis can be lengthy and not all treatments are successful. This is partly because the various causes of prostatitis are not fully understood. There are three main types of prostatitis:

· Acute prostatitis, which develops suddenly and may not be permanent.

· Non-bacterial prostatitis, which may develop suddenly or follow a slower or variable course. It is now more commonly called chronic male pelvic pain syndrome because it cannot be proved to be “non-bacterial”, though a bacterial cause cannot be identified.

· Chronic (bacterial) prostatitis, which develops gradually and may only have subtle symptoms, though it often continues for a prolonged period.

· asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis - which has no symptoms at all but results in an inflamed prostate, is sometimes mentioned. It has been discovered when biopsies are conducted on the prostate to rule out cancer, and no cancer is found. This is a histological and not a clinical diagnosis. Prostatitis is often reported on the histological analysis of TURP specimens when the prostate resection was performed for symptoms of BPH. If the patient is asymptomatic this histological finding does not warrant any treatment.

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Prostate Cancer

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